On Sunday, May 5th, from 29:2 p.m., there will be an event entitled “Creating beautiful skin from around XNUMX to XNUMX”.We will be holding our association's first "Beauty Online Lecture".
Makeup doesn't just make you look beautiful;It has the effect of giving you a positive feeling.Through this cosmetic effect, we aim to maintain and improve the mental and physical functions and QOL (QUALITY OF LIFE) of the elderly, and to live a long and healthy life."Cosmetic therapy, makeup therapy"Say,By applying makeup themselves, elderly people can maintain their remaining functions,It is also connected to support for independence, such as by drawing out the abilities that are possible.In addition, for healthy elderly people, cosmetic therapy can help reduce mental frailty (an intermediate stage between being healthy and requiring care).It is also expected to provide preventive care and preventative care.
In this edition of “Creating Beautiful Skin from Around 40”,Regarding the following three points,The lecturer, CHIKA, will teach you.
① Basic cosmetics
 Ingredient display of basic cosmetics,Ingredients that should not be included and English names, etc.
② Color selection
 Do you know your skin tone? First,Start here.
③ Self-massage ← Includes practical experience
 Pressure points and how to drain lymph that you can easily do yourself.
Acquisition of correct knowledge of basic cosmetics,Know your skin tone and choose the color that suits you.Create beautiful skin with simple self-massage, etc.It's full of useful information. It's early,There are only about half a year left this year,Would you like to have a positive, bright and fun 2022?
We look forward to your participation.

Japanese Dementia Support Association


title:Creating beautiful skin from around 40

                      ~From self-massage to color selection~
Overview:Due to the prolonged coronavirus pandemic, I have been forced to wear a mask for about two years.However, the end is finally in sight.Because half of my face was covered with a mask,My skin becomes rough,Have you stopped wearing makeup?Saying goodbye to the daily life of the coronavirus,In order to have a bright 2022, first of all,Self-massage for your face, talk about basic cosmetics,Learn makeup methods that bring out your beauty,Enjoy your mask-free days!
Date and time:Sunday, May 2022, 5 29:2pm to 4:XNUMXpm
place: Zoom

Instructor: CHICA
Instructor profile:I decided to pursue a career in beauty.13Chasing my dreams when I was old, continues to work in the beauty industry, including skin care, nails, and makeup.25年以on.Also, I have been teaching for 18 years. Currently,Vancouver Community College (VCC)He is involved in the guidance of the next generation.. BeautyMy feelings for the future remain the same,Pursuing beauty.
Participation fee: $15
PayPal payment: Click here to pay by credit card →https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/301256605617
Other payment methods (E-Transfer, Check)If you would like toPlease apply using the application link below. Following,We will email you details on how to pay the participation fee.
Participation application link:https://forms.gle/CqyHjZtiUpAoF6iu6
Application deadline:5Monday 23th
contact information:orangecafevancouver@gmail.com
Organizer:Japanese Dementia Support Association
Media Sponsor:Monthly Fraser, Vancouver Shimpo,Oops!, Life Vanocuver