*This time, the lecture will be held in a hybrid format, both face-to-face and online*

Are you usually conscious of your “brain health”?

Everyone's body and brain age as they age, but in fact, brain decline begins gradually in the prime working generation. Exercise habits, a well-balanced diet, social interaction, and maintaining mental activity are not only good for your physical health, but also help keep your brain healthy. Maintaining brain health reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, allowing you to live a richer life in old age.

It's never too late. In order to live a healthy and healthy life and extend your longevity, let's be conscious of our brain health and start doing what we can.

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Brain health - To extend your healthy lifespan -

Nowadays, as the population ages, it is said that people live 100 years. It is inevitable that not only the body but also the brain's functions will decline. Based on the relationship between brain health and dementia, we will discuss the differences between natural brain changes due to aging and brain changes due to dementia, and ways to reduce the risk of dementia.

Why not take this opportunity to learn about lifestyle habits that help maintain not only dementia but also brain health?

(Lecture in English, with Japanese interpretation)

Date and time:Friday, April 2024, 4 19:30pm to 30:XNUMXpm
Venue:Tonari Gumi (101-402 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver) and Zoom (hybrid format)
Instructor:Allison Korte
Program Coordinator, Community Services, Alzheimer’s Society of BC (Vancouver Region)
Entry fee:Free
Application for participation:https://forms.gle/AkAe42NBBtKkLo7g6
Application deadline:April 2024, 16
Contact Us:orangecafevancouver@gmail.com
Organizer:Japanese Dementia Support Association
Co-organizer:Alzheimer Society of BC, Tonari Gumi
Media Sponsor: Monthly Fraser, Nikka Today, Life Vancouver

*For those who apply online, we will provide instructions on how to participate on the day of the event by the day before the event.