Around this time last year, Metro Vancouver was hit by a heat wave.In Litton, the highest temperature in B.C. reached 49 degrees Celsius.It was an unusual summer with many deaths. This year, the summer solsticeday after tomorrowwelcome toHowever, we are having a different summer than usual, with some chilly weather remaining.

The spread of the new coronavirus infection since 2020, last year,The heat wave that hit British Columbia and the Russian invasion of Ukraine that began in February of this yearDeath due to military invasionMany of you may have had more opportunities to think about?
7 AprilThe “Online Lecture” held is the second in the series since last year.As a bullet, funeral advisor/We would like to invite Mr. Seita Okuyama to be our lecturer. "The title is ``What you need to know about Canadian and Japanese documents''.'Documents at the time of death', preparations for the inevitable day, and more.The content includes stories that Mr. Okuyama learned through his work.
Keeping all the personal information recorded in documents together is a good way to end your life.It is a very important thing that can be said to be a part of. Please take this opportunity toDocuments at the time of death”Would you like to learn together how to prepare for the day you are sure to visit?
We look forward to your participation.
Japanese Dementia Support Association
title:A conclusion to your own life II
                   ~What you need to know about Canadian and Japanese documents~
summary:This year's theme is "Finishing your life in your own way II," which was popular last year.This talk will focus on "documents at the time of death."Procedures and documents in Canada conducted through a funeral home,Documents to be submitted to Japan prepared by the bereaved family, etc.We will provide you with information that is hard to find. "End of life"Including the importance of keeping your information together, which can be considered a part of, why not start preparing for the day you are sure to visit?
Date and time:2022 Years 7Month 17Day (Dayafternoon 2from pm to pm 4
place: Zoom
Instructor:Funeral advisor Seita Okuyama
Instructor profile:After graduating from the College of Comparative Culture at the University of Tsukuba, he moved to Japan in 1999.Add. In the same year, the world's largest funeral and cemetery company, Service CorporationJoined ``International (Dignity Memorial)''. Currently in Metro VancouverFuneral services, from prenatal consultation to post-funeral aftercare,Acts as a cemetery advisor.
Entry fee:$15
申 込 み 方法 : Click here to pay by credit card →
If you would like to use other payment methods (E-Transfer, Check),Please apply using the application link below. Following,We will email you details on how to pay the participation fee.

Participation application link:

Application deadline:7Month11Day(Month)
Organizer:Japanese Dementia Support Association
Media Sponsor:Monthly Fraser, Vancouver Shimpo, Oops!, Life Vancouver