Online lecture ``Would you like to start preparing for the day that will definitely come?'' ”
Lecturer: Funeral advisor Seita Okuyama
Date: May 2021, 7

This time, we will be holding a lecture by funeral advisor Mr. Okuyama titled ``Would you like to start preparing for the day that will definitely come?'' "I participated in. In his lecture, Okuyama said, ``The time we have left is limited, but we don't know.'' I hope this will give you an opportunity to think about how to end your life in a meaningful way that suits you. He talked about the funeral situation in Canada that I was surprisingly unaware of.

First, when a loved one dies, a licensed funeral home is used to make decisions about death registration, transport, burial, etc. Nothing can be done without a funeral home. Even family members should not transport the deceased in their own van. It can only be transported by a licensed vehicle. Even if I want to do everything myself, it just doesn't make sense. It is best left to the professionals.

Will the funeral be held with a coffin? Should cremation take place first? There are various options depending on your budget. Perhaps it was interesting to learn that all funeral services are the same, but the difference in cost is the cost of the coffin. Also, in Canada, the method of preventing corpse decomposition is not by using dry ice, but by embalming. There are also more options for burial than in Japan, including cremation, burial, flower bed burial, indoor/outdoor columbarium, and more. There are two types of cemeteries: those managed by the city and those that are private.Private cemeteries can be bought and sold by individuals.

As the circumstances surrounding funerals in Canada became clear, participants asked a variety of questions, which were often eye-opening. For example, if you ask BC Ferry to scatter ashes at sea, they will do so. If you consult with a funeral company about your funeral or burial in advance and make the payment, the cost will be frozen and you will be able to receive services at the same price decades later. (However, due to tax fluctuations, additional charges may apply regarding taxes). The advantage of this is that it avoids excessive impulse buying in times of emotional emergency. Additionally, if you receive services such as funerals and burials at Okuyama's company, you will receive psychological support from a counselor for about a year after the death of the deceased through the company. Additionally, when bringing personal ashes back to Japan, we were advised to bring a cremation certificate and to use a container that can be opened, as customs may ask us to open the ashes.

The Japanese Dementia Support Association has provided opportunities to think about how to prepare for the end of life, such as workshops on ending notes, movie screenings, and end-of-life movie screenings. Ta. What Mr. Okuyama also recommended to us during his lifetime was to "organize information and organize documents." I wanted to have more opportunities to think about how to approach the end of life from various perspectives, not only at lectures but also in my own life.

(July 2021/YT)